Sunday 21 February 2021

Guest Post: The SNP

An Apology

It has come to our attention that in recent years we may have inadvertently given the impression that we support Scottish independence. The fact that people have jumped to this erroneous conclusion is not entirely their fault; we recognise that using such ambivalent phrases as  "It's time to choose our future", "Scotland's future: Independence in Europe"  and the publishing of the 'Eleven Point Plan to Independence' have opened the door to ambivalence and confusion. 

For this reason we now issue a complete and full apology. It was never our intention to mislead the people of Scotland in a cynical attempt to win votes and keep the party in power. For the avoidance of doubt it should be clear going forward that any fundraisers entitled "Donate for Indy" or "Scotland's Right to Choose" refer to the individual's right to choose their gender, and the right of every cross dressing sex predator to access women's spaces.

I hope this gives clarity to the situation.

Yours for Scotland,

Nicola Sturgeon
SNP (Stonewall and Nonces Party)